Unlock SEO as a customer acquisition channel.

SEO strategy

After quickly ramping into understanding your industry, your product, and your buyer personas, I'll dig into SEO keyword discovery and competitive analysis to brainstorm SEO initiative ideas.

From those ideas, we'll collaborate on building a priority queue of initiatives to execute.

For each initiative, my first step is to write a thorough Product Requirements Document (PRD) that sets the stage for execution.

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Copywriting & Design

When we have a PRD in hand, we're typically ready to start creating content (copywriting) and deciding how we'll want to present it to our website visitors (design).

I'll deliver detailed, standalone design specifications that a designer can use to deliver high fidelity Figma mockups of our new pages.

Similarly, I'll write a copywriting specification that details a to-do list of the copy we need to write or generate.

We'll choose an appropriate owner for each of these specifications - sometimes it's just me.

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Web Development & Engineering

As design and copywriting get underway, I'm ready to draft a Technical Design Document (TDD).

For low-code projects, like those we execute with Webflow, I'd get into the weeds in the design doc and go so far as to suggest task-level implementation plans.

For more sophisticated projects, e.g. where we'd be bringing in a frontend software engineer to build pages on a tech stack like React or Vue, I'll keep the TDD high level and let the engineer fill in the gaps.

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Lastly, after we've gone live with an initiative, we need to track its performance.

I can get in the weeds with tools like Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, and Google Analytics directly, and deliver regular reports to you to give you a line of sight into how our SEO work is impacting your bottom line.

If you use other analytics software or BI tooling, I can work hand in hand with your analytics team to make sure we're tracking and evaluating the right metrics.

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Get in touch with me

Always happy to chat about a potential project, and give you an idea of when I might be able to take it on.

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